Mari Rivera


Mari is an LA born and raised Producer of films and commercials.

Mari is driven by her passion to tell compelling stories around issues that matter and will make a social impact.

In 2018 Mari produced “State of Pride,” a feature documentary about the significance of the gay-pride movement 50 years after the historic Stonewall riots, directed by Academy Award-winning filmmakers Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman. State of Pride won the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Documentary in 2020. Watch State of Pride on YouTube for free.

Mari has produced commercials and branded content for brands including Amazon, Apple, Bose, Cartier, Cricket, Forever 21, Gap, Google, Hulu, Hyundai, Nike, TED and WB.

She started her career in the tech industry and was a part of two successfully acquired startups prior to making the move into the wild world of Entertainment. Her startup background helps bring a business acumen, comfortable communication style and calm, collected demeanor to every project.